12 April 2006

Black White & Various Shades Of Dusk

Just a few days back I was reading a post by Banner and his TAG about describing the kind of gal he would like to marry.It was a sincere attempt I would say. There was this point he made that she should be fairer then him and black haired. Staying in Chennai I don't see much of the fair skinned gals and there was this community in orkut where people were discussing or rather fighting over this issue of skin color.Most of the people from south were of the opinion that beauty is not skin dependent and they had a strange kind of disliking for people who are either fair or who like the fair color and stated their liking.Generally speaking the south Indians have darker skin color and the so called north Indians or what I say the rest of Indians don't have dark skin.And if you are the kind of person who thinks that people who like the fair color are racists and don't know anything about beauty and all those stuff, then probably you might feel like giving me N number of examples of ppl from south who are fair and ppl from north who are dark and how beautiful ppl from south are and stuff.Go ahead it doesn't matter to me.Why people comment as if its a big crime if someone likes a fair colored gal? Look around everywhere and you will find ads where you will see mostly fair colored beautiful gals promoting products which promise to make your skin fair.With Fair & Lovely now we have a Fair & Handsome also.I don't know how many guys even buy that.But unless there is a demand these products would have vanished. The sale of so many beauty products which promise to give a fair color is proof enough that everyone wants to be a bit fairer.And when you say it in particular you are called a racist.What crap?Even in southindian movies you will find that the actresses are fair colored, and people are crazy about these movies in south. Isn't it proof enough that within their subconscious even they want to see the fair color.So why call the people who like the fair color a racist? He/she is not saying that dark is ugly or bad or anything like that. Its all how the society perceives and how people are projected by the media.Call me also a racist or whatever, but I think its a personal choice and as long as he/she is not imposing it on you or anyone, you don't have the right to dictate what he should like and should not like.I find dusky gals very beautiful, so does it mean that I don't like fair colored gals? That's the kind of conclusion you might make, but not me. I like the fair colored gals also, but not the overly fair colored ones.That's my choice, my personal liking.Now if you are making another conclusion, you are free to do so. As I said it doesn't matter to me.

Btw , we Indians are not fair, we are wheatish ;-) & NOM


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